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Sales & Marketing Manager

Zoe supports both the team and candidates through the hiring process with her astute attention to detail, also providing support to new starters whilst keeping the office running smoothly.

🏅 Sporty
🌳 Always outdoors
MRSL - Sparking careers Powering companies

“I pride myself in ensuring that I have a full understanding of the needs of my candidates to ensure that when they are making the next big step in their career, it’s the right one!”

Fun facts about Zoe...


What’s your favourite drink?

Orange juice.


What’s a surprising fact about you?

I’m surprisingly good at sports!


What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

Supporting someone in finding a new role and helping them grow their careers, especially when you catch up years later and they are still very happy.


Where is your happy place?

Hiking or walking through various parts of the countryside.

Meet Zoe's colleagues...